
  • A+



第一节 项目概况及建设总体布局














2. 准备原则





1 概述


2.1. 本合同段全长6.87公里。 整个路基宽度为4.5m,错车道路基宽度为6.5m。

路基开挖25326.2m3,填方3371m3,7.5#砂浆石边沟1955.86m3; 挡土墙面积为621.10 m3。










6.1、M7.5级砂浆砌石边沟1955.86 m3。


7.1. 公路等级:

7.2. 计算行驶速度:

7.3. 平坦曲线的一般最小半径:

7.4. 最大纵坡:

7.5。 路基宽度:

7.6。 设计洪水频率:




此次验收是按照交通运输部颁布的《公路工程质量检验与评定标准》(JTG080/1-2004)进行的,该工程建成精品工程。 项目首次验收合格率达到100%。



1.1. 路基施工质量控制;

1.2. 大理石路面施工质量控制


2.1. 雨季施工防洪安全;

2.2 道路施工和建筑材料运输车辆的交通安全;

第二节 施工组织和人员配备

我公司有幸通过资格预审并中标后,立即成立项目管理部门,启动项目开工前的各项准备工作,为项目开工做好充分准备。 工程师下达开工指令后即可开始施工。




A。 对项目实施所需的人员、设备、资金全面负责。

B. 对工程的施工进度、质量、安全、成本全面负责。

C。 负责协调项目部与业主之间的关系; 项目部、设计单位; 项目部及监理; 项目部和地方各级人民政府; 协调项目部各职能部门与员工之间的关系,提高管理水平和效率。

D. 制定项目管理部门主要人员的职责、权限和项目管理规章制度。


F。 落实建设条件并做好实施准备:组织项目领导小组落实征地、三通一平、施工规划、施工队伍等建设条件。 在落实总体规划的基础上,逐步落实具体规划,形成切实可行的实施规划体系。


H、检查施工进度、质量、成本、技术、管理和执行情况等,发现问题及时向总公司经理报告。 并通知客户,防止施工过程中再次出现不合格结果。



K. 参与合同审查,熟悉合同条款,执行合同条款。



A。 在项目经理的领导下,全面负责项目部的施工和生产,落实公司下达的各项技术指标和工作任务。

B. 负责项目管理部的技术、进度、质量、效率、安全目标管理。

C。 对外,我们面向客户、监理单位、设计单位; 对内,我们面向公司职能部门完成项目的质量、安全、进度管理目标。

D. 协调、指导、监督项目部各职能部门按照施工文件和施工作业规范完成各项施工任务。


F。 负责组织技术人员对施工文件、图纸进行联合审查。





K. 参与特殊关键工序的验收。 配合做好工程竣工自检验收工作。


M. 负责质量管理体系相关文件的研究实施和四项新技术的推广应用。




A。 负责执行项目经理交办的各项任务。

B. 落实与安全生产相关的各项规章制度,定期组织开展各类安全生产检查活动,落实施工期间劳动保护的具体规定。

C。 组织员工(职业农民工)在职培训和每周安全学习。

D. 确保建设计划的实施。 根据图纸、规范、施工组织设计要求,认真落实施工文件的具体要求,


F。 负责厨房管理、保安、防暑降温、环境卫生等后勤工作。




















A、认真贯彻公司“百年大计、质量第一”的宗旨,精心组织、精心施工。 各项工作在项目总工程师的直接领导下开展。

B、根据施工技术规范和设计图纸,对分标段、分工程进行自查。 在监理工程师的监督配合下,共同对该标段的工程质量进行监控。

C、建立项目质量管理制度,实行一票否决制。 对于不符合验收规范要求的零部件及子工程,将拒绝验收,公司有权下达停工令。


E、开展全面质量管理,实行奖优罚劣制度。 对高度重视项目质量的团队(组)给予奖励。 对忽视工程质量、不合格的项目,对责任人员进行批评教育,并视情节轻重给予处罚。 。

F、认真保存施工记录,填写隐藏的工程记录和质量检验表。 未经质检工程师签字的分部、子项目不予结算。




B. 对材料进行仔细的测试和检查。 按照规范要求对来料进行抽样检验。 检验不合格的材料将通知施工队不准使用,并限期清除。












A、认真做好来料计量验收工作,执行《采购管理规定》及相关物资管理制度,建立台账管理。 详细核算各项目材料收支情况,如实反映材料实际消耗情况。

B、负责并负责管理现场各种物资。 配合项目开发,节约资金,敢于处理材料浪费。 认真执行公司制定的规章制度,做好以下八件事:

①. 各种物资的进出必须进行管理;

②. 管理配额征收工作;

③. 管理项目各部分的材料使用;

④. 对违反规章制度的材料使用进行控制;

⑤. 支持和管理项目部门之间的材料使用;

⑥. 处理材料堆放不符合文明施工规定的事项;

⑦. 对未履行相关接收材料手续的,进行监督;

⑧. 管理物料统计数据。




F、做好材料入账、编制报告、原始材料的整理和保管工作。 确保账目一致、项目一致,不存在欺诈行为。






































G、负责工程的中间测量和竣工结算。 根据工程技术部提供的谈判记录,与主管、业主办理签证手续,完善签证信息收集,并做好中间报价。


H. 负责向项目经理提供项目计划费用。













(2)路基施工队:负责各路段所有路基土方、涵洞、防护、排水工程的施工。 他们被分成几个小组。 施工开始后,他们会先打通通路,然后进行涵洞施工,因为涵洞的施工影响路基填方,然后进行各种形式的防护,一段放一段,另一段防护,流水生产。 。 所有路基边沟、排水沟、急流、截水沟的建设; 各种形式的路堤、路堑边坡防护施工。



根据本合同期工作量和工期要求,拟配备现场管理及工程技术人员10人,维修人员10人,技术人员及专业农民工60人,共计80人。 由于建设工期较短,可考虑租用当地民房作为管理人员、工程技术人员、维修人员的办公和生活用房,并适当建设一些工棚作为农民工专业住房、物资仓库、操作间等,以减少人员占用。临时建筑费用。

5. 通路

本合同段施工便道为原有公路和乡村道路,形成的路基用于施工和运输。 因此,主要施工道路基本畅通。 进场后,可根据施工现场实际情况,建设部分弃土场、砂石石料场、码头施工现场施工便道,以满足施工需要。

6. 平整场地

配合业主尽快办理永久征地手续,使用机械平整场地,合理安排施工场地。 办理临时征地手续,确保建设用地,并在已形成的正线基础上开辟涵洞盖板预制场地,满足上部结构预制和材料存放场地的需要。


公路沿线河流、沟渠、水库、水井分布广泛,水源充足,水质良好。 修建储水池,从公路沿线河流中取水,既可以满足工程需要,又可以解决施工现场的用水问题。



9. 测试

高速公路附近水泥、石灰资源丰富,质量好,价格合理。 您可以选择就近采购,以满足项目需要。 检测和材料人员对附近的砂石、碎石采石场进行勘察,提前取样并配制各标号混凝土的配合比,并及时签订合格材料采购合同,满足施工需要。

第三节 装备、人员调动周期及装备、人员、物资



我公司拟安排管理及工程技术人员10名,任职于本项目的施工管理、技术指导、计量、检测、质检、计量等相关部门。 接到中标通知后,项目经理、项目总工程师立即组织全体人员认真学习《合同条款》、《技术规范》、《工程量清单》,熟悉本标段的《图纸》。 使所有管理和工程技术人员了解合同条款精神,熟悉工程内容,掌握质量要求,并向各施工队提供全面的技术讲解,使项目部所有参与者都能执行“合同实施过程中应认真接受并执行《招标文件》规定的相关规定,直至工程师满意为止。



我公司拟安排10名维修人员(机械技术员、操作工、汽车驾驶员、修理工等)负责本项目的施工维护管理、机械操作、车辆驾驶、机械维修及保养等工作。 收到中标通知后,负责机械维修的副项目经理将根据项目的技术要求重新学习机械操作、保修、安全操作规程。 对本项目所使用的机械设备进行维护保养,储备足够的常用备件,确保设备100%完好,随时投入运行。 必要的附加零件可以让买家抓紧购买。



我们公司计划组织60位技术人员和专业移民工人参加该项目的建设。 这些人员中的大多数都从事公司签约和建造的公路项目,并具有高速公路建设的专业知识和建筑经验。 除了在进入网站之前向他们提供技术简报外,他们还组织了一起研究相关的设计文档和技术规格。 ,进行安全生产教育以及当地的乡村规则和民间习俗教育,以便每个参与者可以有意识地遵守当地居民的习俗和习惯。




本合同部分的起点为K0+000,终点为K6+870,总长度为6.87公里。 路基的地球和岩石是25326.2m3; 地球和岩填充物为3371m3。


答:重新测量子级的纵向部分,绘制子级的横截面图,然后将其提交给监督工程师以进行确认。 在实施过程中,确定地球和石头之间的分界线,并指导路基建筑团队的建筑团队。

B.清洁和发掘:使用人力和机械清理路基红线(包括砍伐的树木,挖树根,割草草皮,草根覆盖,挖出旧道路等),并运输运输将废物删除到指定的废物垃圾场被放弃了。 同时,切断了破坏地点,以避免污染地下水,并在顶部添加腐殖质土壤以恢复原始地面。 清除站点后,应进行全面的预填充滚动,以确保密度达到指定的要求。

C.地球发掘:应根据图纸的要求从上到下进行地球挖掘,并且不允许随机挖掘或过度挖掘。 严格禁止使用爆破方法进行建筑或挖洞检索土壤。 准确地布置了路基斜坡挖掘线,使用单桶挖掘机,并在挖掘到土壤岩石分裂线后及时调整斜率比。 地球和石头应立即被挖出并​​立即使用,并应采取排水和水截距措施来防止发生碎屑流。

D.石头发掘:在石材发掘区,推土机首先用于剥离表土。 在所有石头暴露出来后,测量地球和岩石之间的分裂线以确定地球和岩石的比例。 然后用空气压缩机和岩石钻头钻孔并爆破人造孔,最后清除炉渣。 。 石材爆破要求专门的人员负责安全管理某桥梁工程施工组织设计,专业的爆破器以发射爆炸以及各种保护措施,以确保人们,牲畜,房屋,电力和其他建筑物的安全。 爆破计划应由监督工程师批准和实施。

E.坡度清洁和亚级表面水平:应根据设计斜率比与地球挖掘一起用挖掘机手动清洁开挖区域的斜率。 挖掘区的斜率应根据设计斜率比平滑爆炸。 爆破后,应清理和刷牙,以确保其整洁,直,美丽且没有不平衡,从而满足设计要求。 路基表面使用平地机和路冠的手动平整,使用一个水平来控制高程,并使用3m直边来控制平坦度,并进行了严格的检查以满足设计要求。

F。 开挖操作的预防措施:在开挖操作期间,应注意保护路基坡的稳定性,而不会引起对相邻结构和设施的干扰或损害。 发掘材料应尽可能多地使用,并且不得任意丢弃。 在开挖操作期间,应注意保持路基排水平稳。 在发掘过程中,请注意保护地下管道,电缆,文化文物和其他结构中未显示的地下管道。 严格禁止使用爆破方法进行土方构造。 使用气动钻头在石块上钻孔,并使用小型爆炸。 接近坡度时,请使用平滑的爆破。





A。 填充材料测试:从选定的土壤借贷地点中采集样品,并根据“高速公路工程岩土技术测试法规”(JTJ051-93)中指定的方法进行颗粒分析(JTJ051-93),包括水分含量和紧凑性,液体极限和塑料极限,和有机物内容。 轴承比(CBR)测试和压实测试,应将测试结果提交给监督工程师以供批准。

B. 填充测试部分:使用已经过监督工程师测试和批准的填充材料,选择一个150米长的填充子系统,然后在测试部分铺路。 目的是使用已通过测试的材料某桥梁工程施工组织设计,并根据法规铺路以实现设计中指定的压实,记录以下内容:压实设备的类型,最佳组合方法,过程,每一层的铺路厚度松动材料的材料和水分含量。 ,滚动通行证和滚动速度等。测试后,如果它可以符合质量检查标准,则可以用作路基的一部分。 在将测试结果报告给监督工程师批准后,它将用作建造此类填充物的基础,以指导未来的道路床填充。

C。 亚级填充:子分级填充的构造方法是画线布和悬挂线铺路,严格控制宽松的铺路的厚度:每个松散的土方铺路层的厚度(沙,沙,砾石土)的厚度不得超过30厘米。 如果它包含较大的粒径填充剂,则粒径不能超过松散的铺路厚度的2/3。 为了确保可以完全压实有效宽度,路基每一层的松动铺路宽度应大于设计宽度,并且左右侧的宽度不应小于30厘米。

D. 平整和压实:使用推土机来平整,人力水平,以及12吨的道路滚轮滚动和形成。 填充子分级应充满良好的粗粒土壤; 在用不同的填充剂填充子级时,应将其填充,并在每个水平层中使用相同的填充剂。 道路压实应符合重压标准。 挖掘路基的压实度不应小于95%,压实度低于路面以下0〜80厘米,不应小于95%,而压实度低于80cm的压实程度不应小于90%。

E.斜坡塑形:在路堤填充到设计高程后,使用机械和人力来刷斜率。 30厘米填充的路堤将与斜坡形状一起刷掉。 路堤的斜率比应该是直的,曲线应平滑。 ,斜率是平坦的,斜率比正确。

F。 填充道路建筑的预防措施:

A。 在建造填充道路之前,应根据法规清洁和压实原始地面,特别注意沉降坑和树坑的回填和压实。

b. 在路基填充期间,保持排水光滑。

C。 零(底部)填充和挖掘道路。 当天然粉底的密度很高时,首先将其松开,然后将其压实。 压实度不少于95%。 对于土壤粉底强度较弱的区域,可以使用土壤替代或添加速度的土壤。 石灰的添加取决于土壤水分含量,但不应小于5%。 或可以更换30-50厘米的砾石,块和薄片,以提高路基的整体强度。

d. 在稳定的斜坡上,当横坡陡峭地陡峭地大于1:5时,原始地面应挖成宽度不少于1米的台阶,然后应将线悬挂在它们上以填充层。

e. 当路堤穿过池塘,稻田或凹陷时,应进行排水和挖泥以去除腐殖质。 在排水困难的区域,可以建立垂直和水平石盲沟,也可以挖出软土,并用沙质土壤或砾石代替。 如果无法将粉底用于盲沟或更换,则可以使用RIPRAP挤出淤泥。 Riprap的石头应大于30厘米,并且不容易风化。


G。 主要建筑机械:推土机,水车,自卸车,装载机和路辊。


该合同部分的总长度为1321.6万。 排水项目包括:M7.5级砂浆砌体侧沟,总计1955.86m3。

1.所有排水设施的位置,数量,高程,形式,大小和纵向斜率必须符合设计图纸的要求或监督工程师的说明。 在挖掘侧沟和排水沟后,必须在铺路之前修剪和压实,以使沟渠的底部底部和沟渠墙壁坚固,光滑且整洁。 铺路操作完成后,应将周围的地面平整并压实。 如果基部弱,则需要手动处理。 除路板以外,必须将所有沟渠的水引入涵洞或其他水道中,以形成具有光滑水流的排水系统。 弯曲凹槽的角半径必须符合设计要求和规格。 砌体沟的砂浆混合比必须准确,关节必须均匀且充满,关节必须光滑且密集,并且必须没有裂缝或空心。 各种沟渠的特定施工方法,检查项目和检查标准应根据规范的相关章节实施。

所使用的薄片可以保证符合设计标记,并将在安装前洗涤。 根据实验室提供的混合比,由砂浆混合器混合。 砌体砂浆接缝已满,线条直。 撒上水进行维护。 并根据需要在各节中设置定居点。



基础发掘:精确布置了基础坑后,将与机械结合进行手动挖掘。 当基础坑被挖到设计高程时,在监督工程师检查了几何尺寸和基础压力是否合格后,砾石垫将及时手动教,并且自来水的坡度和高度将被检查。 ,向监督工程师报告签证。

混凝土管道的安装:严格控制设计高程和流动坡度。 根据实际情况,可以设置某些前卫生员。 在经过监督工程师的审查之后,使用起重机将预制的管截面提升到基础坑中,从水出口到水入口。 安装逐步完成。 然后将粉底混凝土倒入,最后填充了特殊的污染区域。 回填时,涵洞的两侧必须同时对称,并且无法振动以引起位移或变形。 当填充土壤从管道顶部超过50厘米时,请使用道路辊将其层到路线台的设计高度上。 在铁锅中用热沥青(在适当的温度下)在现场填充管子接缝的接头,并用亚麻棉花浸出。 管道内部和外部的一半被填充。 他们必须立即从外面填充。 最后,使用了两次用热沥青涂层的油。 并用铅线或在管道的外部将接头或设置20号混凝土箍绑起来。 水入口和出口应根据图纸和规格构建。 根据规格处理各种检查标准。


准确地使用并用机械手动挖掘粉底坑。 当基础坑被挖到设计高程时,请检查几何维度,基本应力和高程以满足要求。 在向监督工程师报告审查后,将根据设计要求立即倒入基础和底层,然后将墙倒入。 每6m以2厘米的宽度设置涵洞定居点,穿过基础墙和人行道。 关节用沥青涉水插入,以防止渗水浸泡粉底。 根据设计要求将钢筋混凝土盖在预制码中预制,并控制组件的几何尺寸,混凝土混合比,强度等。 当强度达到100%时,它会通过汽车运输到现场,并由起重机悬挂在适当的位置。 根据规格处理每个部分的检查程序和检查标准。




1.石材加工。 必须将天然石材与硬材料和抗压强度不少于300MPa使用。 半对准颗粒的高度通常为12至14厘米,长度不应大于10至15厘米,宽度通常为7至12厘米。 石头的顶部和底部表面应基本平行,顶部表面应比底部表面稍大。 石材规格应均匀。 石头的最高区域应在90至150平方英尺之间,底部的表面积应在60至130平方英尺之间。 侧面没有明显的突起,以防止它们在铺路过程中彼此靠近。

2.整理道路凹槽。 在铺平基础层之前,应进行桩设置和升级。

3.散布沙子床上用品。 沙垫是将石头嵌入大理石路面以形成整层的层。 它也是一个排除地表水的渗透层。 它必须由硬质量和粗砂制成。 砂垫被压实到平均厚度。 铺路时不应该太长。 铺平大理石之前,通常是10到20米。 铺路完成后,使用轻辊将其稍微滚动。 垫子沙子原材料主要是中等和粗砂。 高沙的含量不超过15%。 含有泥浆的量在10%以内控制。 禁止使用细沙和粉末。 黏土。

4. 粉末在Pinstone Road。

首先,将固定桩平整。 在铺路之前,沿中间线每5至10米的水平截面的每个点的堆堆,桩高应比路面高程高3至4厘米。

第二,铺路。 人行道的平坦度通过拉线控制。 建立较大的石头作为命运石。 该中心与小石头一起使用。 缝纫错误。 当纵向斜率大于1%时,它会从低端到高端铺平。

第三,撒饲料并紧凑。 铺路后,洒水剂的粒径为1到5毫米,上面有好的中等沙子。 随后,滚动的原理之后是轻度原理,然后缓慢,缓慢,然后快速。 当接缝不嵌入接缝中时,就永远不允许滚动。



1 概述




挖掘:释放基础坑后,测量现有的地面高程,然后根据设计基础高程决定挖掘深度。 斜坡的面条墙也应进行挖掘。 基础坑使用单个战斗挖掘机进行挖掘,人为地与维修坡度和底座合作,然后挖掘到设计高程后,检查基础轴承的详细位置和大小,基础轴承能力,填充隐藏工程报告,请监督工程师检查基础,稍后将资格进行资格,立即倒入基本混凝土或泥浆的基础。

基础设施建设:根据砌体材料购买合格的划桨石。 洗涤块石,然后在砌体前吸收。 根据实验室,迫击炮混合物和机器用于提供混合砂浆。 根据图纸或“规格”的要求解决接缝,然后撒上水。 基础顶表面大致平坦。 齿轮壁的基础完成后,根据设计图纸的大小准确释放墙壁位置。 (引用基础架构中的桥梁基础架构)。

墙壁和保护层的结构:根据设计图纸的大小,将模型安装在沙坝的内部和固定墙的外侧,以及护罩墙的外侧,悬挂线是建造的,外线是笔直的,内线大致光滑,内表面大致光滑,内表面大致光滑,并且大致光滑,并且大致光滑。 这样,墙就得到控制。 在砌体过程中,通常对极极进行校正,以确保壁的几何尺寸。 根据来源的来源,确定了块和石头的形状。 砌体过程:分层且宁静,一个丁叶森(Ding Yishun),每块叮当石在上下碎片的中间都是安全的,石砌石的灰色接缝在直线上对齐。 砌体显示出一英寸和三个板球,灰缝宽度为1.3至1.5厘米。 帮助衬里和核心石材还使用上述规格互相锁定分层的砌体,并且缝纫宽度不大于2厘米。 罢工。 在接缝之前将原始的砖石砂浆从2厘米处掏出,以确保接缝砂浆和石头牢固地粘合。 需要根据设计图纸进行沉降接缝,并且需要整个部分。 墙壁建造后,使用浸泡过的沥青麻醉填充接缝。

漏水孔根据设计或“规格”的要求设置,并且泄漏孔的斜率在不被阻止的情况下向外设置。 挡土墙和保护墙的外观光滑,光滑和美丽。 墙壁的回填充满了充满水的渗透率,并在泄漏孔附近设置了碎石滤清器层,以促进墙壁后部的排水。 严格控制砖石石的质量,需要石头坚固且密集,坚固,耐用,质地精致,颜色均匀,没有大风剥落,裂缝和结构缺陷。 混合砂浆由实验室提供的迫击炮混合和机器制成。 高齿轮壁,表面表面的表面和沙坝。 洒水。



经理部门的建设; 根据所有者提供的控制桩和级别的基点恢复固定线测量,并查看电路基数的横截面; 通过物料场和废弃的土壤田完成主线的结构。



恢复中线; 释放侧堆; 切开树以挖根,清除草和表面的表面; 发掘土方工程,开放炸(挖出)石头的石头; 整个公寓; 推动路基; 修理坡度; 挖基地; 挖掘和排水沟。


恢复中线; 释放侧堆; 清除表面或树的表面; 挖掘排水沟; 去除腐烂的土壤; 建造齿轮墙; 挖步; 设备; 维修道路拱门,坡度; 倒水沟。



准备下部轴承层; 施工测量样本; 物质运输; 铺路,整数; 机械冠军。


检查砂垫层的接受; 施工测量样本; 石材运输; 安全; 气动检测平坦度。


首先,安排管辖区下区域的所有向下 - 墙建筑,以为道路填充派对创造条件,然后根据道路基地的建设进度来安排道路基础间隙的建设。







根据投标文件的要求以及公司的建设实力和经验,本合同部分的建设期为180天。 如果建筑部门的指导期发生了变化,我们公司将合理地调整建筑团队,以确保建设进度,确保建筑期间的要求,完成质量和数量的建筑生产任务,并满足完成的接受条件并交付。 该项目可以尽快使用以创造经济和社会利益。


为了响应该项目的特征,我们的部门将全面发挥专业技术专业和现代科学管理的优势,以实现“三个快速”:快速进入,定居点回家,快速启动。 根据“确保关键程序,考虑一般程序,协调的安排和全面发展”的原则,建筑生产高潮,高速,高标准,高质量,根据建筑组织的设计要求和建设一节完成此竞标部分的施工任务。 我们公司将建立一个有效且有能力的项目经理部门,以继续在管理方面进行创新,并全面发挥“技术是第一生产力”的作用。 花时间掌握科学技术,管理层的效率,为所有员工的主观倡议提供全面发挥,动员员工工作的热情,并确保按计划完成该项目。

1.项目技术领导者当场指挥,并在整体规划中安排,并合理地分配了建筑团队。 并建立了计算机动态数学模型,以建立计算机动态数学模型,以及所有者对项目进度的要求,以及所有者对项目进度的要求,并对生产的配置进行动态管理因素。

2.采取透彻可靠的措施来确保各种施工进度。 如果您出于某种原因延迟,我们将使用攻击和加班来确保项目的质量和进度。

3.如果我们的公司很幸运能赢得出价,则该项目将包括在某个地区的公司的关键项目中,以从人力,物质和财务资源中提供全部保证,以确保专业团队进入建筑。 派遣具有相关建筑经验的商业技术的工程人员参与了该合同的建设。

4.收到赢得竞标的通知后,立即组织团队和设备进入现场,并尽快在施工前进行准备。 仔细准备重要计划,并积极联系采购和组织接受的来源。 材料管理实现了五日转移验证系统。 根据施工进度和库存,及时调整了供应布置,以确保施工需求,而不会影响供应造成的施工期。

5.项目部门,建筑团队和团队逐层仔细地实现了书面技术性交,以实现一种优势,以避免由于技术性交的无力而不必要的回购。 治疗质量与进步,质量和效率之间的关系,并认真地开展质量控制组的全面质量管理活动和活动,以防止所有质量事故。

6.加强组织领导,动员技术骨干,并组织强大的建筑团队进入建筑。 组织技术人员与项目的繁重和困难有关,并制定相应的施工计划。 根据项目情况和时间表,建筑人员合理地部署,技术人员的比例增加,建筑人员的数量和技能满足了项目的需求,并确保每个过程协调的进度。

7.仔细地进行该项目的建设计划和部署,严格以建筑设计文件为基础,以建筑单位作为标准的精神,仔细编译和实施建筑组织设计和分阶段的建筑计划,科学安排,仔细地安排,仔细组织并使用网络技术指南构建。 根据该项目的特征,下行时间段将是为了实现合理的时间表,适当的人工布局和紧凑的过程,完全考虑并行,交叉工作,避免筑巢工作,并确保建筑组织的建设期要求。









16. Strengthen the connection with the supervisory engineer and construction units, adopt the method of inspection with work, timely check the inspection and visa of the completion project in a timely manner, and timely transfer the process transfer, and improve the utilization rate of time 。

Section 3 Seasonal Construction Work arrangements and technical measures

1. Work arrangements and construction technical measures for the rainy season

The construction of this project should go through the rainy season in 2008. In order to avoid the impact of the project construction in the rainy season, the following measures are specially formulated:

(1) Strive to complete large -scale circuit base construction before the rainy season comes.

(2) Reduction of large -scale and large -volume concrete projects in the rainy season.

(3) Sign a service contract with the local meteorological department, master the weather forecast and meteorological trend, and do a good job of preventing preparations in advance.

(4) Do a good job of drainage facilities at the construction site to make the drainage unobstructed. It must not cause soil and soil loss and environmental pollution, strengthen the maintenance of construction lanes, and ensure unimpeded transportation; do a good job of moisture prevention work to ensure normal construction in the rainy season.

(5) Concrete and mortar masonry projects, cover the maintenance in time after the construction, and avoid rainwater ruling before the final condensation. The pouring of the concrete, do a good job in the construction organization in advance, select it during the period without heavy rain, and have rainproof facilities.

(6) Digging of Qiaoyankeng Pit. First, do a good job of interception and drainage ditch. After excavation, pour the foundation in time to avoid soaking rainwater.

(7) Prepare raincoats and raincoats of rainfall and construction personnel.

(8) Establish a leading group in flood prevention, prepare for flood prevention supplies and equipment, obey the overall arrangement of local flood prevention, and actively anti -flood rescue.

2. Construction of high temperature season

Mainly control the construction of high temperature seasons:

In order to reduce the temperature difference between the inside and outside surface of the concrete structure, the temperature and pouring temperature of the concrete are controlled, and the following measures must be taken:

(1). Use the canvas to shade in the stacking field of the sand and gravel, and water the cooling sand and gravel material;

(2)。 Add ice to the pool if necessary;

(3). After the cement is used, it is temporarily stored for a period of heat dissipation;

(4)。 The concrete pump tube is wrapped in a straw bag and continuously watered, and the cooling method.

(5). After the surface of the concrete can be used to the surface, it is immediately covered with anesthesia.

(6)。 Select a representative location for thermal measurement arrangement, use electronic portable temperature measuring instruments and automatic control data to determine the temperature measurement module temperature measuring instruments, measure the difference in temperature difference between the inside and outside of the concrete structure, use the computer for data analysis and processing to determine the processing method of adjusting the temperature difference between the building.

3. Winter Construction

(1) During the construction of winter, the steel welding is performed in the processing shed. During the outdoor welding, the minimum temperature must not be lower than -20 ° C. Take effective measures to reduce the gradient of welding parts to prevent the welded connection immediately contact with contact with immediately contact with contact. Ice and snow.

(2) When the concrete is stirred, there must be no ice and snow and frozen cubes in the collection. The stirring time should be extended by about 50%compared with normal temperature. The temperature of the concrete is controlled between 15 ° C and 20 ° C. If it is not satisfied, the mixing and water and collecting materials will be heated, and an appropriate amount of ice -proof agent will be added. Carefully organize close cooperation during construction to shorten the transportation time after the out of the market to prevent the temperature from being lost too fast. The temperature of the maintenance of concrete pouring is controlled at about 8 ° C, and the maintenance measures are used to maintain it.

Section 4 The quality assurance system and quality assurance measures

1. Quality policy

Pursuing the industry's first -class projects to meet the expectations of owners and build all employees to be proud of.

2. Quality goals

1. Ensure that all projects meet the current engineering quality acceptance standards of the Ministry of Communications.

2. The qualification rate of the project has reached 100%, and the excellent rate reaches more than 90%.

3. Quality guarantee measures

1. Organizational measures to ensure quality

In this project, in order to ensure the realization of quality goals, our company will strictly follow the construction of current design specifications, construction specifications and engineering quality acceptance standards in accordance with the national transportation of the Ministry of Communications, highway project construction, and technical specifications. Good quality work, and accept the quality supervision of construction units and supervision units at any time to ensure the realization of the quality goals of the project.

According to the characteristics of this project, the project quality management team (see the quality management organization diagram for details). Establish a project manager as the core, the project technical head of the project, and the implementation of the safety department. All members participate and improve various supporting systems and measures to form a perfect and effective quality assurance system (see the quality assurance system box diagram for details). Implement all -employees and all -proceeds on the project to ensure the realization of quality goals in organizational and systems.

1. Study and learn from the advanced experience of the activities of the domestic and foreign quality management group activities; on the basis of extensive and in -depth investigation and research, in response to the problems existing in the activity of the quality management group, research solutions, explore the development direction of our company's quality management group activities , Constantly summarize the experience, laws and characteristics of the mass quality management group, and actively organize experience exchanges and publicity. At the same time, the consultation services for the activity of the quality management group to guide the healthy development of the quality group activities and promote the stability of quality management levels.

2. Team leader duties

(1) Responsible for establishing, improving, and implementing the quality assurance system in accordance with national standards, and organizing a large inspection of engineering quality to ensure the operation of the quality assurance system.

(2) Responsible for implementing and implementing quality policies and quality goals internally, and report the operation of the quality system to the superiors. Ensure the effective operation of safety and quality system.

(3) Clarify personnel responsibilities, establish a comprehensive and reasonable distribution system and reward and punishment methods, fully mobilize the labor enthusiasm of the majority of employees, and lay a solid foundation for the excellence.

(4) Supervision and inspection of the construction progress of engineering, the operation of the project quality and quality system.

(5) Participate in the construction jurisdiction organized by the construction unit or supervision unit to cooperate with the inspection and acceptance, opening and delivery of the construction unit organization.

3. Deputy team leader duties

(1) Implement the quality policy and quality goals of our company, check the implementation of the Regulations on Quality Management, etc., and bear comprehensive technical responsibility for engineering quality management and engineering quality.

(2) Presiding the subject selection, determining the target value, and "small, real, live, new" when choosing topics.

(3) Organize the review of design documents, host the preparation and approval of special and key processes and key project construction plans, and host the technical work.


(4) Presiding the quality problems in the construction; find out the cause of the problem; formulate countermeasures; check the implementation effect; summarize, consolidate and standardize; organize the results and publish them in time.

(5) Organize the inspection of construction quality and process quality, host a quality analysis meeting, and guide the preparation of the completion documents.

(6) Organizing engineering acceptance and delivery.

4. Responsibilities of quality inspection engineers

(1) Under the leadership of project managers and chief engineers, responsible for the quality supervision and inspection and management of this project, and responsibility for comprehensive supervision of the quality of the project.

(2) Responsible for the quality assessment level of the inspection unit (meta -) project, the quality assessment of the project and the sub -item project, and review the quality and technical information.

(3) Smash inspection and joint inspection of organizational engineering quality, participate in the quality inspection of quality inspections and quality accidents organized by construction units or supervision units, and track the implementation of rectification measures.

(4) Organize the return of the project to the project, and contact the relevant matters of the engineering warranty service.

5. Material engineer responsibilities

(1) Responsible for the supply and management of equipment and materials required for this project, and be responsible for its quality.

(2) For manufacturers with good reputation for self -purchased materials and equipment, the quality of the product must meet the relevant national standards and ministerial standards, and strictly manage material management in accordance with the inspection and test procedures to fundamentally eliminate unqualified products to enter the construction site.

(3) Strictly implement the maintenance and maintenance system for construction machinery and equipment to ensure the good operation of the construction equipment.

6. Test engineer responsibilities

(1) Control in the testing department and test the inspection of various raw materials, equipment and accessories. Organize the detection of the required detection equipment.

(2) Responsible for various tests and inspection work in the construction process.

(3) Organizational technical personnel conduct the final test and inspection of the project.

1. Quality assurance system

1. Implement quality leadership responsibility system

Our company will conscientiously implement the spirit of the quality management of the State Council, establish a good corporate image, and implement the responsible person with legal representatives as the leadership, and the responsibility for the quality of the engineering quality of its management and undertaking projects 。

2. Implementation of engineering quality lifelong responsibility system

Our company implements the lifelong responsibility system for the quality of the project. The project manager is the person directly responsible for the person who is responsible for the quality of its engineering.

3. Implement the quality reward and punishment system

Our company takes the project manager as the first responsible person in the project, and implements the quality contracting responsibility system at all levels, and signs the quality contracting responsibility with all employees to implement the risk deposit mortgage and clarify the quality responsibility. Effectively implement responsibilities to people, so that everyone can establish quality and risk awareness to ensure the continuous and effective operation of the quality system and the realization of quality goals.

4. Implement a one -vote veto system

In order to ensure the completion of the project high -quality, our company implements a one -vote veto system for quality inspection engineers and supervision engineers. If it is found that engineering quality problems or hidden quality hazards, quality inspection engineers and supervisory engineers have the right to order or put forward handling opinions, any other construction, any other construction None of the personnel may interfere or refuse to execute. If there are questions about certain quality problems, a written report should be proposed to the design unit or construction unit in a timely manner, and the relevant units should be processed after issuing the opinions.

5. Implement the quality responsibility system of the post

In order to effectively control the construction process, improve the quality of the project, and establish and improve the quality responsibility system from the project manager to the project manager, project quality inspection engineer, leader, working team leader, and worker. Make each participant in the war clear their responsibilities and improve the sense of quality and honor.

6. Establish a sound quality self -inspection system

In order to ensure the quality of the project, our company establishes a self -inspection system with the supervisor of the quality inspection engineer and the quality inspector of the project department. From the entire process of construction to all aspects, each sub -item project is conducted in a comprehensive and detailed quality inspection, and the levels of prevention of quality and quality hazards occur. In the case of inspection, the record must reflect the real situation. When the quality problems are found, and the cause of quality accidents, effective preventive measures are taken.

7. Establish a sound material management system

Strictly control the quality of materials and equipment. All equipment materials required for the project must be purchased from qualified suppliers. They must be complete "three certificates" and all perform the "Purchase Inspection and Test Procedures". The performance indicators must be comprehensively tested after the equipment and materials are available. The qualifications and unqualified products are clearly identified and stacked separately to avoid errors when the material is issued, and the project does not use non -fit products. The material management is orderly to ensure that the materials and equipment used in the project are excellent, and it provides basic guarantees for engineering excellence.

8. Implement the system of holding a certificate

Carefully carry out the pre -work quality education and training of all employees before work, so that all construction staff can master the construction technology, technical requirements and construction characteristics of this project. After passing the assessment Engineering provides technical and personnel basic guarantees.

9. Implementation of engineering quality reporting system

The project department reports the quality status of the project in writing to the construction unit every month. The project manager is responsible for signing the content of the report.

10. Earnestly implement the quality assessment system of engineering

The project department will conscientiously inspect each branch, branch, and unit projects in accordance with the relevant evaluation and inspection standards, and fill in in detail. Check the "Opinions of the Construction Unit or Supervision Department" in the inspection and evaluation form. Co -deployed by the competent engineer of Jiaoxin Expressway Co., Ltd.; the column of "Opinions of Construction Unit or Supervision" in the unit engineering quality assessment form is requested to supervise engineers and relevant technical departments of the Jiaoxin Highway Co., Ltd. of Henan Province. In order to control the entire process of engineering quality.

11. Implement a quality accident declaration system

During the construction process, if engineering quality accidents occur, our company will strictly follow the quality accident application system. The team quality inspector and the project department quality inspection engineer will be written as a detailed and comprehensive written report shall be reported to the construction unit in a timely manner. After the accident, the project chief engineer organized the project department's quality inspection engineer, quality inspector and all construction personnel to analyze the causes of quality accidents and remedy measures to minimize the loss caused by the accident.

12. Implement the public announcement system for construction projects

Our company implements standardized construction site construction to standardize construction site. The names of the project legal person, design, construction, supervision and other units were publicized and publicized. Publicize the project manager; accept social supervision.

2. Technical measures to ensure quality

1. Carry out theoretical learning and practical training of new technologies, new processes, and new materials for employees, and conduct test demonstrations.

2. In accordance with the requirements of our company's "Regulations on Quality Management" and the requirements of the quality system documents, comprehensively integrate the characteristics of this project, make quality planning, and prepare the "Project Quality Plan" as the quality management program implemented in this project.

3. Strictly control the quality of the concealed project. Quality inspection engineers must cooperate with the supervision engineer at any time to check and confirm the hidden engineering project. The hidden project of the self -inspection qualified project is truly filled in the hidden engineering inspection certificate and attachment in accordance with the regulations. After confirming the qualification and signed the project inspection certificate, it can be buried. Check the unqualified parts or inspection certificates and attachments are inconsistent with the actual situation. The supervision engineer (or design representative) shall not be buried. After correction, check the visa again, and do not handle the standards and do not perform the lane.

4. Strictly control the quality of the process. Teams and teams must seriously do a good job of self -inspection, mutual inspection, and transfer inspection. Quality inspectors must do a good job of special inspection and fill in engineering quality reports. Later, Fangzhong goes through the processing procedures, and the process transfer form should be filled in as required when the camera is required.

5. Implement key control of key and difficult -in processes in the project, set up the CC group for key engineering projects, and formulate key and difficult points of sub -project construction plan, formulate feasible construction organization design, technical measures to ensure heavy and difficult points of sub -project projects the quality of.

6. Strict quality control procedures and full projects for the entire project. The quality inspectors at all levels shall conduct strict process inspection and the final inspection of the unit project of the sub -projects and the sub -projects to ensure that the quality of the unit's project is completed at one time.

7. Maintain a smooth connection with the construction unit, design unit and supervision at any time, and sincerely obey the opinions and suggestions of construction units, design units, and supervision units in terms of engineering quality. Create a high -quality project.

8. When the construction drawing is found to be errors or blurred during the construction process, contact the design unit in a timely manner. After the designer's written response, the construction will be performed and a written record.

9. Invite the construction unit to appoint representatives to participate in the construction cooperation and inspection of the work in advance, negotiate and solve the differences and problems of the emergence at any time, and make it have a comprehensive, in -depth and meticulous understanding of the implementation and quality of the project.

10. All engineering and technical personnel needed to meet the projects required by the project, labor and construction machinery, instrumentation, etc., and carefully carry out pre -work training, so that all construction staff can master the technical requirements of this engineering, and take the job after passing the assessment. Provide engineering and personnel basic guarantees for engineering excellence.

11. Test equipment with complete types, sufficient quantity, advanced technology, and excellent performance according to the construction characteristics; at the same time, equipped with full -time quality testing engineers to ensure that the testing methods are advanced and complete .

12. Adhere to the "Seven You", "Five Nothing", and "Three Insurance" system: There are reports on the start of the work site, the technical control has a written base, and the design has the procedures for changing the设计。 There are people participating in both parties, and the material procurement has "three certificates"; "no technical intercourse does not construct, drawing and technical intercourse is unclear and does not construct, measurement and drawing materials are not signed by the supervision engineer." "Self -inspection, mutual inspection, mutual inspection "Transfer inspection" to ensure excellent engineering quality.

13. Do a good job of quality management and education, so that all employees can establish the idea of ​​"quality first, users to the top", improve the market concept and quality awareness, regard quality as life, and turn the quality into a conscious behavior.

14. Establish a database at the construction site to provide appropriate places for the storage of materials and equipment. Use appropriate tools and packaging protection during storage, handling, and transportation.

15. During the construction of the project, report the annual, quarterly, and monthly construction plan reports to the construction unit, and the annual, quarterly, monthly engineering statistics reports and engineering quality reports, etc., to truthfully reflect the quality and progress of the project.

16. Collect a large number of construction pictures and other relevant text materials during the construction of the project to provide a reliable basis for applying for high -quality projects and enhance the traceability of the project.

17. Before the acceptance, the completed engineering projects and equipment were protected in accordance with our company's quality system "Product Protection Work Control Procedure" until the inspection was completed.

18. The completion and acceptance of this project is organized in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Transport. It is maintained for unpaid quality maintenance within one year after the project transfer. It promptly solve the problems that have arisen, and are responsible for the quality of the projects built.

19. After the project is completed, it is organized by the person in charge of the project, and the engineer of the project department participated to inspect and accept the unit (meta -) project. The application for completion acceptance is submitted. According to the requirements of the construction unit, the formal completion information is provided before the formal acceptance.

20. Prepare the completion documents in time to achieve real reliability, neatly map, and excellent quality of completion documents.

21. The change design strictly abides by the prescribed procedure of "first approval, then change; change first, then construction". It is handled in accordance with regulations and resolutely eliminated its own changes and construction without the approval of the construction unit.

Section Second Safety, Environmental Protection Guarantee System and Warranty Promise

1. Security guarantee system

1. Organization system

The project department establishes a security defense department, led by the deputy manager of the project, formulated various measures, and each construction team has set up a defense team, and a full -time security defender is set up to form an organization of the construction safety assurance system. See the following box diagram for the safety inspection work procedure.

2. Security policy

Safety first, prevention of prevention.

3. Safety goals

Eliminate the serious injury of employees, eliminate traffic accidents caused by our construction reasons, eliminate major mechanical and equipment accidents, no fire, explosion accidents, create a safe, civilized and orderly construction environment, and ensure the safety of construction and transportation.


(1) Establish and improve safety production organizations. The project department establishes the safety work leadership group with the project manager as the team leader, the project technology leader, the team leader, the technical personnel, the safety officer and the relevant departments as a member, and is fully responsible for the safety work in the construction of this contract. The team set up a corresponding safety leadership group to be responsible for the production safety work at the construction site.

(2) Do a good job of safety education, properly handle the relationship between safety and construction production and economic benefits, and target the construction characteristics of this project and related construction safety technical rules.

(3) Consciously abide by the various regulations and rules and regulations promulgated by the higher -level departments and the company and the company.

(4) We conscientiously implement various security systems centered on the job responsibility system, clarify their responsibilities, strengthen safety awareness, implement the safety work contract responsibility system, decompose the safety work goals to the team, implement the head, truly put the safety work to the people, and truly put the safety work to the people. 真实的地方。

(5) The principles of adhering to the principles of "control production must be safe" and "who are in charge and who are responsible", and conscientiously implement the "five simultaneous". When planning, layout, inspection, summary, and evaluation of production tasks, they must plan, arrange, and check at the same time. Summary and comparison safety work.

(6) Participating in the construction staff must achieve compliance with chapters, standards, standards, standards, security awareness and protection capabilities, orderly construction in order, and smooth operating processes. Concentrate, work carefully, take care of each other, and do not engage in things that have nothing to do with work.

(7) Persist in the safety speech and safety predictive system before the class, so that each operator can "five clear", that is, the work location and content are clear; ; Safety precautions and preventive measures are clear.

(8) Drivers must strictly abide by various traffic regulations, strictly implement the vehicle inspection and maintenance system, maintain good vehicle conditions, drive civilized driving, and ensure the safety of vehicle materials and personnel.

(9) Workers in accordance with the regulations and work together for labor care products and on -site protection facilities.

(10) The construction site and the safety warning of the employees are complete, so that the alarm bells are long.

(11) Give full play to the role of safety inspectors at all levels, strengthen safety inspections, discover problems and solve the problem in time, and eliminate the hidden dangers of accidents in the bud state to prevent problems before they occur. When an accident, the injured must be rescued quickly, actively reducing the injury of the accident, and immediately reported to the relevant authorities to assist the investigation and analysis of the accident. It is strictly forbidden to destroy the evidence of the accident at will.

(12) Strengthen the cooperation with the construction units and local government departments and residents to obtain the support and cooperation of local governments and the masses to ensure the safety of the completion facilities.

(13) Report safety reports and feedback safety production information to the construction unit and company higher organs in a timely manner.

(14) During construction, it is strictly forbidden to throw tools and debris from high altitude.

(15) Temporary electricity usage facilities must be set up with leakage protectors, and special persons must be guarded.

(16) It is strictly forbidden to wear leather shoes and slippers. It is strictly forbidden to go to work after drinking. You must wear a helmet at the construction site, and the high -altitude operation must be tied to a seat belt. A safe guardrail must be set up around the work platform.

(17) Check the mechanical equipment and safety tools regularly.

1. Safety guarantee measures to prevent work injury accidents:


(1) Prevention point of security accidents:

a.Falling from high altitude

b.Object strike

c.traffic accident

d.electric shock

e.Lifting injuries

f.Pre -stress tensor damage

g.Fire Safety

























二、 环境保护保证体系

1、 组织体系


2、 环境保护保证措施:为了减轻因公路建设而导致的环境污染,切实做好防治措施,保护自然资源,维护自然资源,维持生态环境,我们在施工生产中将综合治理、全面规划、化害为利、减少污染,为当地居民创造一个清洁卫生的生存和生活环境。具体措施如下:








3、 文明施工措施




A、 根据施工总平面布置图,采用砖石结构修建生活临建设施。

B、 项目经理部门前挂施工概况牌,路段起终点施工现场挂工程概况牌。职工与民工居住点挂安全生产技术牌,防火须知和卫生须知牌。

C、 合理布置办公场地。项目经理部各职能科室门前,挂牌标示。安排适宜的办公场所,张贴图表,章程,制度。为文明生产提供舒适的工作环境。根据招标文件规定为监理工程师提供宽敞、明亮、优雅的办公、住宿环境。

D、 施工现场设立施工警示牌,夜间挂红灯,设专人值班。

E、 随时修复因施工遭到破坏的道路,确保行车畅通、安全。保证夜间有足够的照明。派专人疏导施工现场过往车辆的通行。


A、 材料仓库采用砖石结构,保证明亮整洁。材料进场后进行分类堆放。材料和机具保管要有防雨、防潮、防破坏“三防”措施。

B、 施工机具保持整洁机容,每天进行一次例外保养。停放定位,不得随停随放。


A、 施工现场整齐清洁,无积水。按建设部《建设工程施工现场管理规定》进行现场管理工作,做到工完料净场地清,恢复原貌。

B、 办公室内清洁整齐,窗明几净,宿舍更衣室清洁,床上床下整齐卫生。

C、 生活区周围,不随意泼污水、倒污物。食堂清洁卫生,食品符合卫生标准,炊事员持有健康证明上岗。厕所每天冲洗打扫,定期喷洒消灭“四害”药水。


二、 在工地的四周设置连续畅通的排水沟渠,不污染工地环境和造成工地积水现象。

三、 定期疏通排水沟渠,及时清理集水沉淀池的沉淀物。

四、 泥浆和浑浊废弃液体,应经过沉淀后才能排放到排水沟渠上。


A、 学习文明施工管理规定,务必使每个职工和民工都明确文明施工的重要性。

B、 定期出版墙报,宣传文明施工好人好事。大力开展“青年文明号活动。”

C、 在施工显眼位置设立文明施工标志牌,标明工程名称,工地文明施工负责人,施工许可证和接受投诉电话,接受业主、监理、村民及各界人士的监督。

D、 开展文明施工竞赛活动,提倡文明用语,做文明职工。

E、 密切与监理、建设及设计单位的关系,发现问题协商解决,做到互谅互让,以礼相待,举止文明。


五、 工程保修承诺


1、 留足足够的保修资金、满足保修人员的生活,生产开支;

2、 派专人到现场进行例行检查,发现问题立即报告公司,由原来的项目部负责返修。

3、 检查的内容包括:沟渠,泄水孔、管道是否堵塞,人行道是否有位移,并根据实际情况确定处理方法;

4、 返修完毕后汇报公司有关部门进行验收。







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